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This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 335 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
DO $root$
create type contact_group_status as enum (
create type contact_status as enum (
create type email_template_status as enum (
create type file_status as enum (
create type mailing_status as enum (
create type order_payment_method as enum (
create type order_payment_object as enum (
create type order_payment_status as enum (
create type order_tax as enum (
create type order_taxation as enum (
create type product_type as enum (
create type subscription_interval_type as enum (
create type user_sender_status as enum (
create table alembic_version (
version_num varchar(32) not null,
constraint alembic_version_pkc primary key (version_num)
create table roles (
id smallserial primary key,
name varchar(64) not null,
"default" boolean
insert into roles (name, "default") values
('User', true),
('Moderator', false),
('Administrator', false);
create table users (
id uuid default gen_random_uuid() constraint users_pkey primary key,
email text not null constraint users_email_key unique,
username varchar(64),
password_hash varchar(128) not null,
role_id smallint constraint users_role_id_fkey references roles on update cascade on delete cascade,
confirmed boolean,
member_since timestamp,
last_seen timestamp,
avatar_hash varchar(32)
create table email_senders (
id uuid default gen_random_uuid() constraint user_senders_pkey primary key,
user_id uuid not null constraint user_senders_user_id_fkey references users on update cascade on delete cascade,
email text not null constraint user_senders_email_key unique,
name varchar(64),
company_name varchar(64),
policy_url varchar(264),
confirmed boolean,
status user_sender_status default 'NOT_CONFIRMED'::user_sender_status
create table contacts (
id uuid default gen_random_uuid() constraint contacts_pkey primary key,
user_id uuid not null constraint contacts_user_id_fkey references users on update cascade on delete cascade,
status contact_status default 'ACTIVE'::contact_status,
email text not null,
variables jsonb,
rating numeric(2,1) default 2,
created_at timestamp,
updated_at timestamp,
constraint contacts_email_key unique (user_id, email)
create table contact_lists (
id uuid default gen_random_uuid() constraint contact_lists_pkey primary key,
user_id uuid not null constraint contact_lists_user_id_fkey references users on update cascade on delete cascade,
name varchar not null,
status contact_group_status default 'DRAFT'::contact_group_status,
created_at timestamp,
updated_at timestamp
create table contact_to_list (
contact_list_id uuid constraint contact_to_list_contact_list_id_fkey references contact_lists on update cascade on delete cascade,
contact_id uuid constraint contact_to_list_contact_id_fkey references contacts on update cascade on delete cascade,
unsubscribed boolean default false,
constraint contact_to_list_pkey primary key (contact_list_id, contact_id)
create table email_templates (
id uuid default gen_random_uuid() constraint email_templates_pkey primary key,
user_id uuid not null constraint email_templates_user_id_fkey references users on update cascade on delete cascade,
name varchar(256) not null,
source_text text not null,
source_html text not null,
status email_template_status default 'DRAFT'::email_template_status,
created_at timestamp,
updated_at timestamp
create table files (
id uuid default gen_random_uuid() constraint files_pkey primary key,
user_id uuid not null constraint files_user_id_fkey references users on update cascade on delete cascade,
filename varchar(256) not null,
mimetype varchar(128) not null,
bucket varchar(64) not null,
created_at timestamp,
object_name varchar(256) not null,
size integer not null,
updated_at timestamp,
status file_status default 'ACTIVE'::file_status,
constraint files_user_id_bucket_object_name_mimetype_key unique (user_id, bucket, object_name, mimetype)
create table email_campaigns (
id uuid default gen_random_uuid() constraint email_campaigns_pkey primary key,
user_id uuid not null constraint email_campaigns_user_id_fkey references users on update cascade on delete cascade,
name varchar(150) not null,
status mailing_status default 'DRAFT'::mailing_status,
contact_list_id uuid not null constraint email_campaigns_contact_list_id_fkey references contact_lists on update cascade on delete cascade,
email_sender_id uuid not null constraint email_campaigns_email_sender_id_fkey references email_senders on update cascade on delete cascade,
email_template_id uuid not null constraint email_campaigns_email_template_id_fkey references email_templates on update cascade on delete cascade,
subject varchar(150),
preview_text varchar(150),
variables jsonb,
started_at timestamp,
completed_at timestamp,
created_at timestamp,
updated_at timestamp,
stopped_at timestamp
create table email_campaign_attachments (
email_campaign_id uuid constraint email_campaign_attachments_email_campaign_id_fkey references email_campaigns on update cascade on delete cascade,
file_id uuid constraint email_campaign_attachments_file_id_fkey references files on update cascade on delete cascade,
constraint email_campaign_attachments_pkey primary key (email_campaign_id, file_id)
create table email_messages (
id uuid default gen_random_uuid() constraint email_messages_pkey primary key,
user_id uuid not null constraint email_messages_user_id_fkey references users on update cascade on delete cascade,
email_campaign_id uuid not null constraint email_messages_email_campaign_id_fkey references email_campaigns on update cascade on delete cascade,
contact_id uuid not null constraint email_messages_contact_id_fkey references contacts on update cascade on delete cascade,
sended boolean,
opened boolean,
sended_at timestamp,
opened_at timestamp,
error_message varchar(150)
create table orders (
id uuid default gen_random_uuid() constraint orders_pkey primary key,
user_id uuid not null constraint orders_user_id_fkey references users on update cascade on delete cascade,
description varchar(256),
system_description varchar(256),
payment_id bigint,
payment_status order_payment_status default 'CREATED'::order_payment_status,
payment_url varchar(100),
recurrent boolean,
rebill_id bigint,
amount numeric(10,2),
error_code varchar(16),
card_id bigint,
card_pan varchar(32),
card_exp varchar(4),
taxation order_taxation default 'USN_INCOME'::order_taxation,
data jsonb,
created_at timestamp,
updated_at timestamp,
parent_order_id uuid constraint orders_parent_order_id_fkey references orders on update cascade on delete cascade
create table order_items (
id uuid default gen_random_uuid() constraint order_items_pkey primary key,
order_id uuid not null constraint order_items_order_id_fkey references orders on update cascade on delete cascade,
ordering smallint not null,
name varchar(128) not null,
description varchar(256),
quantity integer,
price numeric(10,2) not null,
amount numeric(10,2) not null,
payment_method order_payment_method default 'FULL_PREPAYMENT'::order_payment_method,
payment_object order_payment_object default 'SERVICE'::order_payment_object,
tax order_tax default 'VAT20'::order_tax,
data jsonb
create table products (
id serial constraint products_pkey primary key,
name varchar(64) not null constraint products_name_key unique,
description varchar(256),
type product_type,
created_at timestamp,
updated_at timestamp
create table product_limited_contents (
id serial constraint product_limited_contents_pkey primary key,
product_id integer not null constraint product_limited_contents_product_id_fkey references products,
name varchar(64) not null,
description varchar(256),
data jsonb default '{}'::jsonb,
price numeric(10,2) not null,
discount_price numeric(10,2),
created_at timestamp,
updated_at timestamp,
constraint product_limited_contents_product_id_name_key unique (product_id, name)
create table product_subscription_plans (
id serial constraint product_subscription_plans_pkey primary key,
product_id integer not null constraint product_subscription_plans_product_id_fkey references products,
name varchar(64) not null,
description varchar(256),
data jsonb default '{}'::jsonb,
price numeric(10,2) not null,
discount_price numeric(10,2),
interval_type subscription_interval_type default 'MONTHLY'::subscription_interval_type,
"interval" integer NOT NULL,
created_at timestamp,
updated_at timestamp,
constraint product_subscription_plans_product_id_name_key unique (product_id, name)
create table user_plans (
id uuid constraint user_plans_pkey primary key default gen_random_uuid(),
user_id uuid not null constraint user_plans_user_id_fkey references users on update cascade on delete cascade,
product_id integer not null constraint user_plans_product_id_fkey references products on update cascade on delete cascade,
product_subscription_plan_id integer not null constraint user_plans_product_subscription_plan_id_fkey references product_subscription_plans on update cascade on delete cascade,
order_id uuid not null constraint user_plans_order_id_fkey references orders on update cascade on delete cascade,
started_at timestamp,
ended_at timestamp,
created_at timestamp,
updated_at timestamp
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