2021-08-28 13:46:32 +03:00
add column
alter table foo add bar text;
if exists
alter table if exists foo add bar text;
add column if not exists
alter table foo add column if not exists bar text;
drop column
alter table foo drop column bar;
drop column cascade
alter table foo drop column bar cascade;
drop column restrict
alter table foo drop column bar restrict;
drop column if exists
alter table foo drop column if exists bar restrict;
set column default
alter table foo alter bar set default 4;
drop column default
alter table foo alter bar drop default;
alter column type
alter table foo alter bar type text;
alter column type(1)
alter table foo alter bar set data type text;
alter column type(2)
alter table foo alter column bar set data type timestamptz using created at time zone 'utc';
column set not null
alter table foo alter bar set not null;
column drop not null
alter table foo alter bar drop not null;
column add constraint
alter table foo add constraint u_bar unique(bar);
2023-01-06 01:10:59 +03:00
2021-08-28 13:46:32 +03:00
column drop constraint
alter table foo drop constraint u_bar;
column drop constraint cascade
alter table foo drop constraint u_bar cascade;
column drop constraint restrict
alter table foo drop constraint u_bar restrict;
column drop constraint if exists
alter table foo drop constraint if exists u_bar restrict;
many changes in columns
alter table foo drop constraint foo, add unique(foo);
rename column
alter table foo rename column foo to bar;
rename constraint
alter table foo rename constraint foo to foo.bar;
rename table
alter table foo rename to foo.bar;
change schema
alter table foo set schema bar;