5.3 KiB
This is a small but functional library that converts your nix configurations into Lua format.
This library was initially designed for my personal Neovim flake.
Add nix2lua
as input to your flake.nix
inputs.nix2lua.url = "git+https://git.pleshevski.ru/mynix/nix2lua";
outputs = { nix2lua }:
luaTable = nix2lua.lib.toLua {
foo = "bar";
nvimTree.settings = {
open_on_setup = true;
renderer = {
group_empty = true;
full_name = true;
in luaTable;
toLua expr
Returns a string containing Lua representation of
. Strings, integers, floats, boolean, lists and sets are mapped to their Lua equivalents.Null will be skipped. This is useful when you want to use an optional value. To render
you should use theLuaNil
function.toLua { foo = "bar"; } # { foo = "bar" } toLua [ 10 "foo" [ "bar" ] ] #`{ 10, "foo", { "bar" } }
Creates a type that will be mapped by the
toLua LuaNil # nil
raw expr
Creates a type that instructs
not to change the passed expressionexpr
.toLua (raw "require('bar').baz") # require('bar').baz
namedField name expr
(alias: nf
Creates a type that represents a named field in the Lua table. This type cannot exist outside a list or set.
This is useful to create table with some named fields.
toLua [ "foo" (namedField "bar" "baz") ] # { "foo", bar = "baz" }
join sep expr
Join expressions with a separator
toLua (join "=" ["vim.opt.line" true]) # vim.opt.line = true
concat expr
Joins expressions with an empty string separator
This is alias for
join ""
toLua (concat ["hello" "world"]) # helloworld
pipe expr
Joins expressions with a '.' (dot) separator. If list of expressions contains a string it will convert to the raw.
toLua (pipe ["vim" "opt" "line"]); # vim.opt.line
toLua (pipe ["luasnip" (call0 "setup")]); # luasnip.setup()
pipe1 lhs rhs
Useful alias for pipe that allow only two arguments.
toLua (pipe1 "luasnip" (call0 "setup")); # luasnip.setup()
spaceBetween expr
Join expressions with a space separator. You can use it to separate all expressions in the Lua configuration.
This is alias for
join " "
toLua (spaceBetween [ (set "vim.opt.number" true) (set "vim.opt.relatednumber" true) ]) # vim.opt.number = true vim.opt.relatednumber = true
call fnName args
Util to call a Lua function with arguments.
is list that each list item render as function argument. Otherwise, it will be rendered as first argument.toLua (call "setup" [ "foo" "bar" ]); # setup("foo", "bar")
toLua (call "setup" { foo = "bar" }); # or: toLua (call "setup" [{ foo = "bar" }]); # setup({ foo = "bar" })
call0 fnName
Call a Lua function without arguments.
This is alias for
call fnName []
.toLua (call0 "setup") # setup()
call1 fnName arg
Call a Lua function with one argument. This is useful when a Lua function has only one argument of type list, and we want to avoid using an inner list.
This is alias for
call fnName [arg]
.toLua (call1 "setup" [ "foo" "bar" ]) # setup({ "foo", "bar" })
require name
Call a require function to import module with
.This is alias for
call "require" name
.toLua (require "luasnip") # require("luasnip")
op operation lhs rhs
Make Lua basic operation.
toLua (op "+" 1 2) # (1 + 2)
There are all aliases for basic Lua operations:
add = op "+"; sub = op "-"; mul = op "*"; div = op "/"; mod = op "%"; exp = op "^"; eq = op "=="; ne = op "~="; gt = op ">"; lt = op "<"; gte = op ">="; lte = op "<="; and = op kw_and; or = op kw_or; not = expr: spaceBetween [ kw_not expr ];
set varName expr
Set an expression to a Lua variable.
toLua (set "vim.opt.number" true); # vim.opt.number = true
func fnName params body
Define a function with specific name, parameters and body.
toLua (func "foo" ["bar"] (pipe1 "bar" (call0 "baz")); # function foo(bar) bar.baz() end
Useful aliases:
func0 = fnName: func fnName [ ];
lambda params body
Define a lambda function with specific parameters and body. Useful to use Lua function inline.
toLua (call "setup" { on_attach = lambda ["baz"] (pipe1 "baz" (call0 "bar")) }); # setup { on_attach = function (baz) baz.bar() end }
Useful aliases:
lambda0 = lambda [ ];
local expr
A modifier to define a variable or a function in local scope.
toLua (local (set "luasnip" (require "luasnip"))); # local set luasnip = require("luasnip")
toLua (local (func "foo" ["bar"] (pipe1 "bar" (call0 "baz"))); # local function foo(bar) bar.baz() end
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
See COPYING to see the full text.