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{ nix2lua, vim, lib, ... }:
with nix2lua.lib;
defaultDiagnosticKeymaps = [
{ mode = "n"; bind = "<space>e"; command = raw "vim.diagnostic.open_float"; }
{ mode = "n"; bind = "[d"; command = raw "vim.diagnostic.goto_prev"; }
{ mode = "n"; bind = "]d"; command = raw "vim.diagnostic.goto_next"; }
{ mode = "n"; bind = "<space>q"; command = raw "vim.diagnostic.setloclist"; }
defaultKeymaps = [
{ mode = "n"; bind = "gD"; command = raw "vim.lsp.buf.declaration"; }
{ mode = "n"; bind = "gd"; command = raw "vim.lsp.buf.definition"; }
{ mode = "n"; bind = "K"; command = raw "vim.lsp.buf.hover"; }
{ mode = "n"; bind = "gi"; command = raw "vim.lsp.buf.implementation"; }
{ mode = "n"; bind = "gr"; command = raw "vim.lsp.buf.references"; }
{ mode = "n"; bind = "gy"; command = raw "vim.lsp.buf.type_definition"; }
{ mode = "n"; bind = "<C-k>"; command = raw "vim.lsp.buf.signature_help"; }
{ mode = "n"; bind = "<localleader>n"; command = raw "vim.lsp.buf.rename"; }
{ mode = [ "n" "v" ]; bind = "<localleader>a"; command = raw "vim.lsp.buf.code_action"; }
{ languageServerConfigs ? { }
, diagnosticKeymaps ? defaultDiagnosticKeymaps
, keymaps ? defaultKeymaps
# dependencies
nvim-lspconfig = lib.flatten [
(local (set "lspconfig" (require "lspconfig")))
(lib.flip lib.mapAttrsToList languageServerConfigs (ls: lsConfigs:
pipe [
(var "lspconfig")
(var ls)
(call "setup"
(if builtins.isAttrs lsConfigs then lsConfigs
else { }))
(map vim.keymap.set diagnosticKeymaps)
(vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd "LspAttach" {
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup "UserLspConfig" { };
callback = lambda [ "ev" ]
(lib.flatten [
(local (set "opts" { buffer = pipe1 (var "ev") (var "buf"); }))
(lib.flip map keymaps (keymap:
vim.keymap.set (keymap // { opts = var "opts"; })))