module.exports = grammar({ name: "psql", extras: ($) => [/\s\n/, /\s/, $.line_comment, $.block_comment], conflicts: ($) => [[$.keyword_char, $.keyword_varchar]], word: ($) => $._identifier, rules: { source_file: ($) => repeat(choice($.statement)), statement: ($) => seq(optional($._ddl_statement), ";"), _ddl_statement: ($) => choice($._create_statement), _create_statement: ($) => choice($.create_table), // References: create_table: ($) => seq( $.keyword_create, optional(choice($.keyword_temporary, $.keyword_unlogged)), $.keyword_table, optional($._if_not_exists), $.table_reference, $.column_definitions // TODO: INHERITS // TODO: PARTITION BY // TODO: USING // TODO: WITH // TODO: ON COMMIT // TODO: TABLESPACE ), column_definitions: ($) => seq( "(", optional( commaSepRepeat1(choice($.column_definition, $.table_constraint)) ), ")" ), column_definition: ($) => seq(field("name", $.identifier), $.type, repeat($.column_constraint)), column_constraint: ($) => seq( optional(seq($.keyword_constraint, field("name", $.identifier))), choice( $._not_null, $.keyword_null, seq($.keyword_default, $._expression), // TODO: add index_parameters in UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY $._unique_constraint, $._primary_key, $._foreign_key_references // TODO: CHECK // TODO: GENERATED ) // TODO: DEFERRABLE ), table_constraint: ($) => seq( optional(seq($.keyword_constraint, field("name", $.identifier))), choice( seq($._unique_constraint, $.column_list), seq($._primary_key, $.column_list), seq($._foreign_key, $.column_list, $._foreign_key_references) // TODO: CHECK // TODO: EXCLUDE ) // TODO: DEFERRABLE ), column_list: ($) => seq("(", commaSepRepeat1(field("name", $.identifier)), ")"), _unique_constraint: ($) => seq( $.keyword_unique, optional( seq($.keyword_nulls, optional($.keyword_not), $.keyword_distinct) ) ), _foreign_key_references: ($) => seq( $.keyword_references, $.table_reference, optional(seq("(", field("refcolumn", $.identifier), ")")), optional($._foreign_key_match), optional( choice( seq($._foreign_key_on_delete, $._foreign_key_on_update), seq($._foreign_key_on_update, $._foreign_key_on_delete) ) ) ), _foreign_key_match: ($) => seq( $.keyword_match, choice($.keyword_full, $.keyword_partial, $.keyword_simple) ), _foreign_key_on_delete: ($) => seq($.keyword_on, $.keyword_delete, $.referencial_action), _foreign_key_on_update: ($) => seq($.keyword_on, $.keyword_update, $.referencial_action), referencial_action: ($) => choice( seq($.keyword_no, $.keyword_action), $.keyword_restrict, $.keyword_cascade, seq( $.keyword_set, choice($.keyword_null, $.keyword_default), optional(seq("(", commaSepRepeat1($.identifier), ")")) ) ), table_reference: ($) => seq( optional(seq(field("schema", $.identifier), ".")), field("name", $.identifier) ), _expression: ($) => choice( $.literal // TODO: add more types ), literal: ($) => choice( $.number, $.literal_string, $.keyword_true, $.keyword_false, $.keyword_null ), // References: type: ($) => choice( field("name", $.identifier), $._type_numeric, $._type_character, $._type_datetime, $._type_geometric, $._type_net, $._type_bit_string, $._type_text_search, $.keyword_money, $.keyword_bytea, $.keyword_boolean, $.keyword_uuid, $.keyword_xml // TODO: add arrays References: // TODO: add rangetypes References: // TODO: add OID types References: ), // References: _type_numeric: ($) => choice( $.keyword_smallint, $.keyword_integer, $.keyword_bigint, $.keyword_real, $.keyword_smallserial, $.keyword_serial, $.keyword_bigserial, $.double, $.numeric, $.decimal ), double: ($) => seq(mkKeyword("double"), mkKeyword("precision")), decimal: ($) => choice( parametricType($, $.keyword_decimal, ["precision"]), parametricType($, $.keyword_decimal, ["precision", "scale"]) ), numeric: ($) => choice( parametricType($, $.keyword_numeric, ["precision"]), parametricType($, $.keyword_numeric, ["precision", "scale"]) ), // References: _type_character: ($) => choice($.keyword_text, $.char, $.varchar), char: ($) => parametricType($, $.keyword_char), varchar: ($) => parametricType($, $.keyword_varchar), // TODO: add interval type // References: _type_datetime: ($) => choice( $.keyword_date, $.keyword_datetime, $.keyword_time, $.keyword_timestamp, $.keyword_timestamptz ), // TODO: add geometric types // References: _type_geometric: ($) => choice(), // TODO: add net types // References: _type_net: ($) => choice(), // TODO: add bit string types // References: _type_bit_string: ($) => choice(), // TODO: add text search types // References: _type_text_search: ($) => choice(), // References: _type_json: ($) => choice($.keyword_json, $.keyword_jsonb), // keywords _primary_key: ($) => seq($.keyword_primary, $.keyword_key), _foreign_key: ($) => seq($.keyword_foreign, $.keyword_key), _if_not_exists: ($) => seq($.keyword_if, $.keyword_not, $.keyword_exists), _not_null: ($) => seq($.keyword_not, $.keyword_null), _without_time_zone: ($) => seq(mkKeyword("without"), $._keyword_time_zone), _with_time_zone: ($) => seq(mkKeyword("with"), $._keyword_time_zone), _keyword_time_zone: (_) => seq(mkKeyword("time"), mkKeyword("zone")), keyword_create: (_) => mkKeyword("create"), keyword_table: (_) => mkKeyword("table"), keyword_temporary: (_) => choice(mkKeyword("temporary"), mkKeyword("temp")), keyword_unlogged: (_) => mkKeyword("unlogged"), keyword_if: (_) => mkKeyword("if"), keyword_not: (_) => mkKeyword("not"), keyword_exists: (_) => mkKeyword("exists"), keyword_null: (_) => mkKeyword("null"), keyword_constraint: (_) => mkKeyword("constraint"), keyword_default: (_) => mkKeyword("default"), keyword_true: (_) => mkKeyword("true"), keyword_false: (_) => mkKeyword("false"), keyword_nulls: (_) => mkKeyword("nulls"), keyword_distinct: (_) => mkKeyword("distinct"), keyword_unique: (_) => mkKeyword("unique"), keyword_primary: (_) => mkKeyword("primary"), keyword_foreign: (_) => mkKeyword("foreign"), keyword_key: (_) => mkKeyword("key"), keyword_references: (_) => mkKeyword("references"), keyword_on: (_) => mkKeyword("on"), keyword_no: (_) => mkKeyword("no"), keyword_delete: (_) => mkKeyword("delete"), keyword_update: (_) => mkKeyword("update"), keyword_match: (_) => mkKeyword("match"), keyword_full: (_) => mkKeyword("full"), keyword_partial: (_) => mkKeyword("partial"), keyword_simple: (_) => mkKeyword("simple"), keyword_action: (_) => mkKeyword("action"), keyword_set: (_) => mkKeyword("set"), keyword_restrict: (_) => mkKeyword("restrict"), keyword_cascade: (_) => mkKeyword("cascade"), // References: keyword_xml: (_) => mkKeyword("xml"), // References: keyword_uuid: (_) => mkKeyword("uuid"), keyword_json: (_) => mkKeyword("json"), keyword_jsonb: (_) => mkKeyword("jsonb"), keyword_boolean: (_) => mkKeyword("boolean"), keyword_smallint: (_) => mkKeyword("smallint"), keyword_integer: (_) => mkKeyword("integer"), keyword_bigint: (_) => mkKeyword("bigint"), keyword_decimal: (_) => mkKeyword("decimal"), keyword_numeric: (_) => mkKeyword("numeric"), keyword_real: (_) => mkKeyword("real"), keyword_smallserial: (_) => mkKeyword("smallserial"), keyword_serial: (_) => mkKeyword("serial"), keyword_bigserial: (_) => mkKeyword("bigserial"), // References: keyword_money: (_) => mkKeyword("money"), keyword_text: (_) => mkKeyword("text"), keyword_char: (_) => choice(mkKeyword("character"), mkKeyword("char")), keyword_varchar: (_) => choice( mkKeyword("varchar"), seq(mkKeyword("character", mkKeyword("varying"))) ), keyword_bytea: (_) => mkKeyword("bytea"), keyword_date: (_) => mkKeyword("date"), keyword_datetime: (_) => mkKeyword("datetime"), keyword_time: ($) => seq( mkKeyword("time"), choice(optional($._without_time_zone), $._with_time_zone) ), keyword_timestamp: ($) => seq(mkKeyword("timestamp"), optional($._without_time_zone)), keyword_timestamptz: ($) => choice( mkKeyword("timestamptz"), seq(mkKeyword("timestamp"), $._with_time_zone) ), // ------- line_comment: (_) => seq("--", /.*\n/), // block_comment: (_) => seq("/*", /[^*]*\*+(?:[^/*][^*]*\*+)*/, "/"), literal_string: ($) => choice(seq("'", /[^']*/, "'")), number: (_) => /\d+/, identifier: ($) => choice($._identifier, seq('"', /[^"]+/, '"')), _identifier: (_) => /([a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*)/, }, }); function mkKeyword(word) { return new RegExp(word + "|" + word.toUpperCase()); } function commaSepRepeat1(field) { return seq(field, repeat(seq(",", field))); } function parametricType($, type, params = ["size"]) { return prec.right( choice( type, seq( type, "(", // first parameter is guaranteed, shift it out of the array field(params.shift(), $.number), // then, fill in the ", next" until done => seq(",", field(p, $.number))), ")" ) ) ); }