function kw(word, aliasAsWord = true) { let pattern = "" for (const letter of word) { pattern += `[${letter}${letter.toUpperCase()}]` } let result = new RegExp(pattern) if (aliasAsWord) { result = alias(result, word); } return result } function separated(separator, rule) { return optional(separated1(separator, rule)); } function separated1(separator, rule) { return seq(rule, repeat(seq(separator, rule))); } function commaSep1(rule) { return separated1(",", rule); } function commaSep(rule) { return optional(commaSep1(rule)); } module.exports = grammar({ name: "plpgsql", // NOTE(chrde): extras: $ => [ $.comment, /[\s\uFEFF\u2060\u200B\u00A0]/ ], rules: { source_file: $ => repeat( choice( $.psql_statement, seq($._statement, ";") ), ), _statement: $ => choice( $.psql_statement, $.create_function_statement, $.create_table_statement, $.create_schema_statement, $.select_statement, $.insert_statement, $.delete_statement, $.grant_statement, $.create_trigger_statement, $.create_sequence_statement, $.create_index_statement, $.alter_table_statement, $.do_block, ), // TODO(chrde): update, values _with_query_statement: $ => choice( $.select_statement, $.insert_statement, $.delete_statement, ), insert_statement: $ => seq( optional($.with_query), kw("insert"), kw("into"), $.identifier, optional($.as), optional($._list_of_identifiers), $.insert_items, optional($.insert_conflict), optional($.insert_returning), optional($.into), ), insert_items: $ => choice( seq(kw("default"), kw("values")), seq(kw("values"), "(", commaSep($.insert_item), ")"), $.select_statement ), insert_item: $ => choice( kw("default"), $._value_expression, ), insert_conflict: $ => choice( seq(kw("on"), kw("conflict"), optional($.conflict_target), kw("do"), kw("nothing")), seq( kw("on"), kw("conflict"), $.conflict_target, kw("do"), kw("update"), kw("set"), commaSep1($.update_set), optional($.where_filter) ), ), conflict_target: $ => choice( seq(kw("on"), kw("constraint"), $.identifier), seq("(", commaSep($._value_expression), ")", ), ), update_set: $ => choice( seq($.identifier, "=", $.update_value), seq($._list_of_identifiers, "=", optional(kw("row")), "(", commaSep1($.update_value), ")"), ), update_value: $ => choice(kw("default"), $._value_expression), insert_returning: $ => seq(kw("returning"), commaSep1($.select_item)), create_table_statement: $ => seq( kw("create"), optional($.temporary), optional(kw("unlogged")), kw("table"), optional($.if_not_exists), $.identifier, "(", commaSep($.create_table_item), ")", ), create_table_item: $ => choice( $.table_column_item, $.table_constraint, ), create_schema_statement: $ => seq( kw("create"), kw("schema"), optional($.if_not_exists), choice( seq($.identifier, optional($.schema_role)), $.schema_role, ), ), schema_role: $ => seq( kw("authorization"), choice($.identifier, kw("current_user"), kw("session_user")), ), create_index_statement: $ => seq( kw("create"), optional(kw("unique")), kw("index"), optional(kw("concurrently")), optional($.if_not_exists), optional($.identifier), kw("on"), $.identifier, optional($.index_using), "(", commaSep1($.index_col), ")", optional($.index_includes), optional($.where_filter), ), index_using: $ => seq(kw("using"), $.identifier), index_col: $ => choice( seq($.identifier, optional($.index_col_dir), optional($.index_col_nulls)), seq("(", $._value_expression, ")", optional($.index_col_dir), optional($.index_col_nulls)), ), index_col_dir: $ => choice(kw("asc"), kw("desc")), index_col_nulls: $ => choice( seq(kw("nulls"), kw("first")), seq(kw("nulls"), kw("last")), ), index_includes: $ => seq(kw("include"), $._list_of_identifiers), delete_statement: $ => seq( optional($.with_query), kw("delete"), kw("from"), $.identifier, optional(kw("as")), optional($.identifier), optional($.delete_using), optional($.where_filter), optional(seq(kw("returning"), commaSep1($.select_item))), optional($.into), ), delete_using: $ => seq(kw("using"), commaSep1($.from_item)), alter_table_statement: $ => seq( kw("alter"), kw("table"), optional($.if_exists), $.identifier, $.alter_table_change ), alter_table_change: $ => choice( commaSep1($.alter_table_action), $.alter_table_rename_column, $.alter_table_rename_constraint, $.alter_table_rename_table, $.alter_table_change_schema, ), alter_table_action: $ => choice( seq(kw("add"), $.table_constraint), seq(kw("add"), optional(kw("column")), optional($.if_not_exists), $.table_column_item), seq(kw("drop"), kw("constraint"), optional($.if_exists), $.identifier, optional($.alter_table_fk_ref_action)), seq(kw("drop"), optional(kw("column")), optional($.if_exists), $.identifier, optional($.alter_table_fk_ref_action)), seq(kw("alter"), optional(kw("column")), $.identifier, optional($.alter_column_action)), ), alter_column_action: $ => choice( seq(kw("set"), kw("default"), $._value_expression), seq(kw("drop"), kw("default")), seq(kw("set"), kw("not"), kw("null")), seq(kw("drop"), kw("not"), kw("null")), seq(kw("type"), $.alter_column_type), seq(kw("set"), kw("data"), kw("type"), $.alter_column_type), ), table_constraint: $ => choice( seq($.table_constraint_ty, optional($.constraint_when)), seq(kw("constraint"), $.identifier, $.table_constraint_ty, optional($.constraint_when)), ), constraint_when: $ => choice( kw("deferrable"), seq(kw("deferrable"), kw("initially"), kw("immediate")), seq(kw("deferrable"), kw("initially"), kw("deferred")), ), table_constraint_ty: $ => choice( seq(kw("check"), "(", $._value_expression, ")"), seq(kw("unique"), $._list_of_identifiers), seq(kw("primary"), kw("key"), $._list_of_identifiers), seq(kw("foreign"), kw("key"), $._list_of_identifiers, $.constraint_foreign_key), ), constraint_foreign_key: $ => seq( kw("references"), $.identifier, optional($._list_of_identifiers), repeat($.fk_action) ), fk_action: $ => choice( seq(kw("on"), kw("delete"), $.fk_ref_action), seq(kw("on"), kw("update"), $.fk_ref_action), ), fk_ref_action: $ => choice( seq(kw("no"), kw("action")), kw("restrict"), kw("cascade"), seq(kw("set"), kw("null")), seq(kw("set"), kw("default")) ), alter_column_type: $ => seq( $._type, optional(seq(kw("using"), $._value_expression)), ), alter_table_fk_ref_action: $ => choice(kw("restrict"), kw("cascade")), table_column_item: $ => seq($.identifier, $._type, repeat($.column_constraint)), column_constraint: $ => choice( seq(kw("constraint"), $.identifier, $.column_constraint_ty, optional($.constraint_when)), seq($.column_constraint_ty, optional($.constraint_when)), ), column_constraint_ty: $ => choice( seq(kw("not"), kw("null")), kw("null"), seq(kw("check"), "(", $._value_expression, ")"), seq(kw("default"), $._value_expression), kw("unique"), seq(kw("primary"), kw("key")), $.constraint_foreign_key, ), alter_table_rename_column: $ => seq( kw("rename"), optional(kw("column")), $.identifier, kw("to"), $.identifier, ), alter_table_rename_constraint: $ => seq( kw("rename"), kw("constraint"), $.identifier, kw("to"), $.identifier, ), alter_table_rename_table: $ => seq(kw("rename"), kw("to"), $.identifier), alter_table_change_schema: $ => seq(kw("set"), kw("schema"), $.identifier), grant_statement: $ => seq( kw("grant"), $.grant_privileges, kw("on"), $.grant_targets, kw("to"), $.grant_roles, ), grant_roles: $ => commaSep1(choice( kw("public"), kw("current_user"), kw("session_user"), seq(optional(kw("group")), $.identifier), )), grant_privileges: $ => choice( seq(kw("all"), optional("privileges")), commaSep1($.identifier), ), grant_targets: $ => choice( seq( kw("all"), choice(kw("tables"), kw("sequences"), kw("functions")), kw("in"), kw("schema"), $.identifier ), seq(kw("sequence"), commaSep1($.identifier)), seq(optional(kw("table")), commaSep1($.identifier)), seq(kw("schema"), commaSep1($.identifier)), seq( choice(kw("function"), kw("procedure"), kw("routine")), commaSep1($.grant_function), ), ), grant_function: $ => seq( $.identifier, "(", commaSep1(seq(optional($.identifier), $._type)), ")", ), grant_all_in_schema: $ => seq(kw("in"), kw("schema")), psql_statement: $ => seq( "\\", repeat1($.identifier), /[\n\r]/, ), create_sequence_statement: $ => seq( kw("create"), optional($.temporary), kw("sequence"), optional($.if_not_exists), $.identifier, repeat(choice( $.as, $.sequence_increment, $.sequence_min, $.sequence_max, $.sequence_start, $.sequence_cache, $.sequence_cycle, $.sequence_owned, )), ), sequence_increment: $ => seq(kw("increment"), optional(kw("by")), $.number), sequence_min: $ => choice( seq(kw("no"), kw("minvalue")), seq(kw("minvalue"), $.number,), ), sequence_max: $ => choice( seq(kw("no"), kw("maxvalue")), seq(kw("maxvalue"), $.number,), ), sequence_start: $ => seq(kw("start"), optional(kw("with")), $.number), sequence_cache: $ => seq(kw("cache"), $.number), sequence_cycle: $ => seq(optional(kw("no")), kw("cycle")), sequence_owned: $ => seq( kw("owned"), kw("by"), choice( kw("none"), $.identifier ), ), create_trigger_statement: $ => seq( kw("create"), optional(kw("constraint")), kw("trigger"), $.identifier, $.trigger_when, $.trigger_event, kw("on"), $.identifier, optional($.trigger_scope), optional($.trigger_cond), $.trigger_exec, ), trigger_when: $ => choice( kw("before"), kw("after"), kw("instead of"), ), trigger_event: $ => separated1( kw("or"), choice( kw("insert"), kw("update"), kw("delete"), kw("truncate"), ), ), trigger_scope: $ => seq( optional(seq(kw("for"), optional(kw("each")))), choice(kw("statement"), kw("row")), ), trigger_exec: $ => seq( kw("execute"), optional(choice(kw("procedure"), kw("function"))), $.function_call, ), trigger_cond: $ => seq( kw("when"), "(", $._value_expression, ")", ), _plpgsql_statement: $ => seq( choice( $._statement, $.assign_statement, $.return_statement, $.execute_statement, $.perform_statement, ), ";", ), execute_statement: $ => seq( kw("execute"), $._value_expression, optional($.into), optional(seq(kw("using"), commaSep1($._value_expression))), ), assign_statement: $ => seq($.identifier, "=", $._value_expression), return_statement: $ => seq(kw("return"), choice( seq(kw("query"), $.select_statement), $._value_expression), ), perform_statement: $ => seq(kw("perform"), commaSep($.select_item)), do_block: $ => seq( kw("do"), $.block, ), select_statement: $ => prec.left(seq( optional($.with_query), kw("select"), commaSep($.select_item), optional($.into), optional($.select_from), optional($.select_where), optional($.select_group_by), optional($.select_having), optional($.select_order_by), optional($.select_limit), )), with_query: $ => seq(kw("with"), commaSep1($.with_query_item)), with_query_item: $ => seq( $.identifier, // TODO(chrde): columns kw("as"), optional(choice(kw("materialized"), seq(kw("not"), kw("materialized")))), "(", $._with_query_statement, ")" ), into: $ => seq(kw("into"), optional(kw("strict")), commaSep1($.identifier)), select_having: $ => seq(kw("having"), $._value_expression), select_limit: $ => choice( seq(kw("limit"), $._value_expression, kw("offset"), $._value_expression), seq(kw("limit"), kw("all"), kw("offset"), $._value_expression), seq(kw("offset"), $._value_expression, kw("limit"), kw("all")), seq(kw("offset"), $._value_expression, kw("limit"), $._value_expression), ), select_group_by: $ => seq(kw("group"), kw("by"), commaSep1($._value_expression)), select_order_by: $ => seq(kw("order"), kw("by"), commaSep1($.order_by_item)), order_by_item: $ => seq($._value_expression, optional($.order_by_direction)), order_by_direction: $ => choice(kw("asc"), kw("desc")), select_where: $ => $.where_filter, select_item: $ => seq( $._value_expression, optional(kw("as")), optional($.identifier) ), select_from: $ => seq(kw("from"), commaSep1($.from_item)), from_item: $ => seq( // TODO(chrde): choice( $.from_select, $.from_table, $.from_function, ), repeat($.join_item), ), from_select: $ => seq("(", $.select_statement, ")", optional(kw("as")), $.identifier), from_table: $ => seq($.identifier, optional(kw("as")), optional($.identifier)), from_function: $ => seq( $.function_call, optional(choice( seq(kw("as"), $.identifier, optional($._list_of_identifiers)), seq($.identifier, optional($._list_of_identifiers)), seq(kw("as"), $._list_of_identifiers), )), ), join_item: $ => choice( seq(kw("natural"), $.join_type, $.from_table), seq($.join_type, $.from_table, $.join_condition), seq(kw("cross"), kw("join"), $.from_table) ), join_condition: $ => choice( seq(kw("on"), $._value_expression), seq(kw("using"), $._list_of_identifiers) ), join_type: $ => seq( choice( optional(kw("inner")), seq(kw("left"), optional(kw("outer"))), seq(kw("right"), optional(kw("outer"))), seq(kw("full"), optional(kw("outer"))), ), kw("join") ), create_function_statement: $ => seq( kw("create"), optional($.or_replace), kw("function"), $.function_signature, $.function_return, kw("as"), choice( $.block, $.string, ), kw("language"), choice($.identifier, $.string), optional($.function_volatility) ), function_return: $ => seq( kw("returns"), choice( $.identifier, $.return_setof, $.return_table, ), ), return_setof: $ => seq(kw("setof"), $.identifier), return_table: $ => seq(kw("table"), "(", commaSep1($.var_declaration), ")"), function_volatility: $ => choice( kw("immutable"), kw("stable"), kw("volatile"), ), block: $ => seq( $.dollar_quote, repeat($.declarations), $.body, $.dollar_quote, ), body: $ => seq( kw("begin"), repeat($._plpgsql_statement), kw("end"), optional(";"), ), dollar_quote: $ => seq("$", optional($.identifier), "$"), declarations: $ => seq( kw("declare"), repeat($.var_definition), ), var_definition: $ => seq( $.var_declaration, optional(seq(":=", $._value_expression)), ";", ), function_signature: $ => seq( $.identifier, $.function_parameters, ), function_parameters: $ => seq( "(", commaSep($.var_declaration), optional(seq(kw("default"), field("default_value", ($._value_expression)))), ")" ), var_declaration: $ => seq( field("name", $.identifier), field("type", $._type), ), where_filter: $ => seq(kw("where"), $._value_expression), or_replace: $ => seq(kw("or"), kw("replace")), temporary: $ => choice(kw("temp"), kw("temporary")), if_not_exists: $ => seq(kw("if"), kw("not"), kw("exists")), if_exists: $ => seq(kw("if"), kw("exists")), as: $ => seq(kw("as"), $.identifier), _type: $ => choice( $.predefined_types, $.identifier, seq($._type, "[", "]"), ), // predefined_type: // | BIGINT { BigInt } // | BIT VARYING? l = type_length? { BitVarying(l) } // | BOOLEAN { Boolean } // | CHAR VARYING? l = type_length? { Char(l) } // | CHARACTER VARYING? l = type_length? { Char(l) } // | DEC p = precision_param? { Dec(p) } // | DECIMAL p = precision_param? { Decimal(p) } // | DOUBLE PRECISION { Double } // | FLOAT p = precision_param? { Float(p) } // | INT { Int } // | INTEGER { Integer } // | INTERVAL interval = interval_field? l = type_length? { Interval(interval, l) } // | NCHAR VARYING? l = type_length? { Nchar(l) } // | NUMERIC p = precision_param? { Numeric(p) } // | REAL { Real } // | SMALLINT { SmallInt } // | TEXT { Text } // (* | TIME l = type_length? (1* NOTE(chrde): what here? *1) *) // | TIME l = type_length? WITH TIME ZONE { TimeTz(l) } // | TIME l = type_length? WITHOUT TIME ZONE { Time(l) } // (* | TIMESTAMP l = type_length? (1* NOTE(chrde): what here? *1) *) // | TIMESTAMP l = type_length? WITH TIME ZONE { TimestampTz(l) } // | TIMESTAMPTZ l = type_length? { TimestampTz(l) } // | TIMESTAMP l = type_length? WITHOUT TIME ZONE { Timestamp(l) } // | VARCHAR l = type_length? { VarChar(l) } // (* | schema_qualified_name_nontype (LEFT_PAREN vex (COMMA vex)* RIGHT_PAREN)? *) // TODO(chrde): moar types!! predefined_types: $ => choice( seq(kw("numeric"), optional($.precision)) ), precision: $ => seq("(", $.number, optional(seq(",", $.number)), ")"), string: $ => seq( "'", repeat(choice( prec(1, /''/), prec(2, /[^']/), )), "'", ), // NOTE(chrde): taken from comment: $ => token(choice( seq('--', /.*/), seq( '/*', /[^*]*\*+([^/*][^*]*\*+)*/, '/' ) )), _value_expression: $ => choice( $.string, $.number, $.true, $.false, $.null, $.star, seq("(", $.select_statement, ")"), seq("(", $._value_expression, ")"), $.function_call, $.op_expression, $.time_expression, $.identifier, ), time_expression: $ => choice( seq($.identifier, kw("at"), kw("time"), kw("zone"), $._value_expression), ), function_call: $ => seq( $.identifier, "(", choice( $.select_statement, commaSep($._value_expression), ), ")" ), op_expression: $ => choice( prec.left(12, seq($._value_expression, $.cast, $._value_expression)), // array access prec.right(10, seq(choice($.minus, $.plus), $._value_expression)), // ^ prec.left(8, seq($._value_expression, choice("*", "/", "%"), $._value_expression,)), prec.left(7, seq($._value_expression, choice("-", "+"), $._value_expression,)), prec.left(6, seq($._value_expression, $.other_op, $._value_expression)), // between in like ilike similar prec.left(4, seq($._value_expression, $.comparison_op, $._value_expression,)), // is isnull notnull prec.right(2, seq($.not, $._value_expression)), prec.left(1, seq($._value_expression, choice($.and, $.or), $._value_expression,)), ), _list_of_identifiers: $ => seq("(", commaSep($.identifier), ")"), // TODO(chrde): comparison_op: $ => choice("<", ">", "=", "<=", ">=", "<>", "!="), // TODO(chrde): this should be a regex other_op: $ => choice("||"), cast: $ => "::", minus: $ => "-", plus: $ => "+", not: $ => kw("not"), and: $ => kw("and"), or: $ => kw("or"), true: $ => kw("true"), false: $ => kw("false"), null: $ => kw("null"), star: $ => "*", any: $ => /.*/, number: $ => /\d+/, identifier: $ => /[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[.a-zA-Z0-9_]*/, } });