How to become the World Chess Champion: { near: top-center shape: text style.font-size: 55 } gm: Become a Grandmaster (GM) { link: } qualify: Qualify for the Candidates Tournament { link: layers.qualify } win: Win the Candidates Tournament { link: } match: Defeat the former Champion { link: layers.match } gm -> qualify -> win -> match layers: { gm: { description: |md # Become a Grandmaster (GM) A Grandmaster is the highest title awarded by FIDE (the International Chess Federation). | { near: top-center } play: Play in FIDE-rated tournaments ➡️: { shape: text near: center-right link: steps.1 style.font-size: 24 } steps: { 1: { titled: Earn pre-requisite titles (IM) play -> titled ➡️.link: _.steps.2 } 2: { ➡️.link: _._ rating: Achieve 2500 rating norms: Earn 3 GM norms\n(defeat other GMs in tournaments) titled -> rating titled -> norms } } } qualify: { description: |md # Qualify for the Candidates Tournament The Candidates tournament is played among the best players in the world to determine the challenger for the next world chess championship. | { near: top-center } One of: { Runner-up to last championship Finish top 2 in FIDE Grand Prix Top 2 highest rated Organizer wild card Occasional other FIDE events: { This varies year to year } } } win: { description: |md # Winning the Candidates tournament 8-players face off in a double round-robin. Which mean each player plays every other player, one with white and once with black. | { near: top-center } 2022 Players: { grid-rows: 9 grid-columns: 3 grid-gap: 0 Player Rating World ranking Ian Nepomniachtchi 2766 7 Teimour Radjabov 2753 13 Jan-Krzysztof Duda 2750 16 Alireza Firouzja 2793 3 Fabiano Caruana 2783 4 Hikaru Nakamura 2760 11 Richard Rapport 2764 8 Ding Liren 2806 2 } } match: { description: |md # World Chess Championship Match A 14-game 1v1 between the challenger and the current world champion[0]. [0] Usually. In 2023, Magnus Carlsen declined to participate. Instead, the runner-up of the Candidates tournament plays. | { near: top-center } ding: Ding Liren { icon: shape: image near: center-left height: 300 width: 200 } nepo: Ian Nepomniachtchi { icon: shape: image near: center-right height: 300 width: 200 } best of 14 games -> tiebreaks: if needed layers.tiebreaks layers: { tiebreaks: { description: |md # Tiebreaks Use faster time controls to induce errors. | { near: top-center } rapid: 4 rapid games { 25 mins per side 10-second increment } blitz: 2 blitz games { 5 mins per side 3-second increment } sudden death: { 3 mins per side 2-second increment repeat until a win } rapid -> blitz -> sudden death: if needed } } } }