import{_ as l,c as t,a as r,b as e,d as a,w as s,e as o,r as n,o as p}from"./app-Dw1tezwH.js";const d={},c=o('
My name is Dmitriy Pleshevskiy.
I'm an open source software enthusiast, a lead software developer, architect, team leader and also mentor.
Programming Languages:
- TypeScript (prefer, solid 9-year exp)
- SQL (prefer, solid 8-year exp)
- Rust (prefer, solid 5-year exp)
- Python (solid 9-year exp)
- Haskell
- Bash
- Java
- C#
- C++
- PostgreSQL (prefer, solid 7-year exp)
- Sqlite
- MongoDB
- Reddis
I also have extensive experience in creating the following applications:
- Traditional (SSR + Forms)
- API (REST/GraphQL/WebSocket/EventSource)
- Dynamic (SPA)
- Hybrid (SSR + SPA)
- Console
- Crossplatform
Backend (Rust)
- axum (prefer, solid 2-year exp)
- async-graphql (prefer, solid 2-year exp)
- shaku (prefer, solid 2-year exp)
- bb8 + postgres-types (prefer, solid 5-year exp)
- diesel (2-year exp)
Backend (Node.JS)
- Apollo (solid 5-year exp)
- Express (solid 9-year exp)
- Nest.JS
- Knex.js / Objection.js (solid 5-year exp)
- Sequelize
- React (solid 8-year exp)
- VueJS (prefer, solid 3-year exp)
- Cypress (prefer, solid 3-year exp)
- JQuery
- Antd / Antdv
- PostCSS (prefer, solid 5-year exp)
- Sass (prefer, solid 8-year exp)
- Less (weak 4-year exp)
- NixOS / NixOps / Nix dev shell (prefer, solid 2-year exp)
- Docker Swarm (prefer, solid 5-year exp)
- Kubernetes (weak 4-year exp)
- Woodpecker CI (prefer, solid 3-year exp)
- Drone CI (solid 3-year exp)
- Gitlab CI (solid 7-year exp)
- GitHub Actions (3-year exp)
Open-source projects are my passion! I develop, maintain and improve projects in my spare time.
Besides programming, I love to cook and spend time with my beloved family!
SimpleX: Dmitriy Pleshevskiy
Telegram: Dmitriy Pleshevskiy
Email: dmitriy[at]pleshevski[dot]ru
My Git Repo
My Github (Suspended due to sanctions)
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