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{-| Module for encoding (hiding) text file or image into another image using LSB Steganography.
module EncodeSteg ( getWidth, getHeight, getRed, getGreen, getBlue
, getTotalNumPixels, getTotalBits, getPixelsforMessage
, getMinBits, getChangedPixel, encodeImage
, writeBitToImage ) where
import Codec.Picture
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Bits
import qualified Codec.Picture.Types as M
import Data.Word
{-| Returns width of image.
getWidth :: Image a -> Int
getWidth (Image w _ _) = w
{-| Returns height of image.
getHeight :: Image a -> Int
getHeight (Image _ h _) = h
{-| Returns red channel values from pixel
getRed :: PixelRGB8 -> Pixel8
getRed (PixelRGB8 r _ _) = r
{-| Returns green channel values from pixel
getGreen :: PixelRGB8 -> Pixel8
getGreen (PixelRGB8 _ g _) = g
{-| Returns blue channel values from pixel
getBlue :: PixelRGB8 -> Pixel8
getBlue (PixelRGB8 _ _ b) = b
{-| Returns total number of pixels
getTotalNumPixels :: Image PixelRGB8 -> Int
getTotalNumPixels img = (getWidth img) * (getHeight img) - 64 - 1
{-| Returns total number of bits
getTotalBits :: Image PixelRGB8 -> Int -> Int
getTotalBits img bitsPerPixel = ((getWidth img) * (getHeight img) - 64 - 1)
* bitsPerPixel * 3
{-| Returns total number of pixels to store message
getPixelsforMessage :: Int -> Int -> Int
getPixelsforMessage len bitsPerPixel = div (len * 8) (bitsPerPixel * 3)
{-| Returns minimum bits to modify required per pixel color channel
getMinBits :: Image PixelRGB8 -> Int -> Int
getMinBits img bytes = max
(ceiling ((toRational (bytes * 8))
/ (toRational ((getTotalNumPixels img) * 3)))) 1
{-| Modifies pixel 'pix' based on value of 'b'.
bit i is a value with the ith bit set and all other bits clear.
getChangedPixel :: Pixel8 -> Int -> Bool -> Pixel8
getChangedPixel pix x b
| b = pix .|. bit x
| not b = pix .&. complement (bit x)
{- | Converts an integer to sequence of bits.
testBit returns True if the nth bit of the argument is 1.
intToBits :: Bits a => a -> Int -> [ Bool ]
intToBits x idx = map (testBit x) [ 0 .. idx - 1 ]
{- | Convert Int32 to Word8
int32ToWord8 :: Int -> [ Word8 ]
int32ToWord8 x = map fromIntegral
[ (shiftR x (pos * 8)) .&. 255 | pos <- [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ] ]
{-| Hides data 'message' in image.
Returns new image similar to old image but with data hidden inside it.
encodeImage :: Image PixelRGB8 -> Int -> [ Word8 ] -> Either String
(Image PixelRGB8)
encodeImage img bitsPerPixel message
| bitsPerPixel <= 8 = Right
(runST $ do
newimg <- M.unsafeThawImage img
let modifyBits _i [] _start _b _period = M.freezeImage newimg
modifyBits i (x : xs) start b period = do
writeBitToImage img newimg b i 0 (bits !! 0) start period
writeBitToImage img newimg b i 1 (bits !! 1) start period
writeBitToImage img newimg b i 2 (bits !! 2) start period
writeBitToImage img newimg b i 3 (bits !! 3) start period
writeBitToImage img newimg b i 4 (bits !! 4) start period
writeBitToImage img newimg b i 5 (bits !! 5) start period
writeBitToImage img newimg b i 6 (bits !! 6) start period
writeBitToImage img newimg b i 7 (bits !! 7) start period
modifyBits (i + 1) xs start b period
bits = intToBits (x) 8
modifyBits 0 (int32ToWord8 len) 0 1
(63 / (fromIntegral (getPixelsforMessage 4 1)))
modifyBits 0 message 64 bitsPerPixel
((toRational (getTotalBits img bitsPerPixel))
/ (toRational (len * 8))))
| otherwise = Left "Too long information to be encoded!!!"
len = length message
{-| Writes data to image based on bits of message.
writeBitToImage orig img bitsPerPixel byteIdx bitIdx bitVal offset period
| color == 0 = M.writePixel img px py
(PixelRGB8 (getChangedPixel (getRed (pixelAt orig px py)) lsbIdx bitVal)
(getGreen (pixelAt orig px py)) (getBlue (pixelAt orig px py)))
| color == 1 = M.writePixel img px py
(PixelRGB8 (getRed (pixelAt orig px py))
(getChangedPixel (getGreen (pixelAt orig px py)) lsbIdx bitVal)
(getBlue (pixelAt orig px py)))
| color == 2 = M.writePixel img px py
(PixelRGB8 (getRed (pixelAt orig px py)) (getGreen (pixelAt orig px py))
(getChangedPixel (getBlue (pixelAt orig px py)) lsbIdx bitVal))
pos = floor (fromIntegral (byteIdx * 8 + bitIdx) * period)
p = (div pos (bitsPerPixel * 3)) + offset
px = mod p (getWidth orig)
py = div p (getWidth orig)
color = (div (mod pos (bitsPerPixel * 3)) bitsPerPixel)
lsbIdx = (mod (mod pos (bitsPerPixel * 3)) bitsPerPixel)