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{-| Module for decoding the information hidden in the image using LSB steganography method
module DecodeSteg (
-- * Functions required for decoding information hidden in image
getWidth, getHeight, getRed, getGreen, getBlue
, getTotalNumPixels, getTotalBits, getPixelsforMessage
, getOptimumBits, readPixelBit, readBitOfImage, readByte
, readFileName, readAllBytes, decodeImg ) where
import Codec.Picture
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI
-- | Obtain width of image
getWidth :: Image a -> Int
getWidth (Image w _ _) = w
-- | Obtain height of image
getHeight :: Image a -> Int
getHeight (Image _ h _) = h
-- | Obtain 8 bit red channel values from RGB8pixel of image
getRed :: PixelRGB8 -> Pixel8
getRed (PixelRGB8 r _ _) = r
-- | Obtain 8 bit green channel values from RGB8pixel of image
getGreen :: PixelRGB8 -> Pixel8
getGreen (PixelRGB8 _ g _) = g
-- | Obtain 8 bit blue channel values from RGB8pixel of image
getBlue :: PixelRGB8 -> Pixel8
getBlue (PixelRGB8 _ _ b) = b
-- | Get total number of pixels available to hide information in image
getTotalNumPixels :: Image PixelRGB8 -> Int
getTotalNumPixels img = getWidth img * getHeight img - 64 - 1
-- | Get total number of bits in which information can be hidden
getTotalBits :: Image PixelRGB8 -> Int -> Int
getTotalBits img bitsPerPixel = (getWidth img * getHeight img - 64 - 1)
* bitsPerPixel * 3
-- | Get number of pixels in which information is hidden
getPixelsforMessage :: Int -> Int -> Int
getPixelsforMessage len bitsPerPixel = div (len * 8) (bitsPerPixel * 3)
-- | Get optimum number of last significant bits in pixel to hide the information in image
getOptimumBits :: Image PixelRGB8 -> Int -> Int
getOptimumBits img bytes = max
(ceiling ((toRational (bytes * 8))
/ (toRational ((getTotalNumPixels img) * 3)))) 1
-- | A delimiter used to separate file name and its data in encoded image
nullWord8 = fromIntegral 0
-- | Test whether the pixel at given index is 0 or 1
readPixelBit :: Pixel8 -> Int -> Bool
readPixelBit px idx = testBit px idx
-- | Identifies which color channel of pixel is to be read and returns the bit at that color channel
readBitOfImage :: Image PixelRGB8 -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Double -> Bool
readBitOfImage img bitsPerPixel byteIdx bitIdx offset period
| color == 0 = readPixelBit (getRed (pixelAt img px py)) lsbIdx
| color == 1 = readPixelBit (getGreen (pixelAt img px py)) lsbIdx
| color == 2 = readPixelBit (getBlue (pixelAt img px py)) lsbIdx
pos = floor (fromIntegral (byteIdx * 8 + bitIdx) * period)
pixIdx = div pos (bitsPerPixel * 3) + offset
px = mod pixIdx (getWidth img)
py = div pixIdx (getWidth img)
color = div (mod pos (bitsPerPixel * 3)) bitsPerPixel
lsbIdx = mod (mod pos (bitsPerPixel * 3)) bitsPerPixel
{-| Converts a sequence of bits to Word8
boolToWord8 :: [ Bool ] -> Word8
boolToWord8 = foldl (\byte bit -> byte * 2 + if bit then 1 else 0) 0
-- | Reads all the 8 bits of a byte (a character at given index of hidden information)
readByte :: Image PixelRGB8 -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Double -> Word8
readByte img idx lsb offset period = boolToWord8
[ readBitOfImage img lsb idx i offset period | i <- reverse [ 0 .. 7 ] ]
-- | Reads the lsb bits of pixel from given starting index in which filename is stored till nullWord8 is encountered (delimiter)
readFileName :: Image PixelRGB8 -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Double -> [ Word8 ]
readFileName img start lsb offset period
| byte == nullWord8 = []
| otherwise = [ byte ] ++ readFileName img (start + 1) lsb offset period
byte = readByte img start lsb offset period
-- | Read all the bytes of image in which information is hidden
:: Image PixelRGB8 -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Double -> [ Word8 ]
readAllBytes img start lsb len offset period
| len <= 0 = []
| otherwise = (readByte img start lsb offset period)
: (readAllBytes img (start + 1) lsb (len - 1) offset period)
{- | Convert Word8 to Int32
word8ToInt32 :: [ Word8 ] -> Int
word8ToInt32 [] = 0
word8ToInt32 [ x ] = fromIntegral x
word8ToInt32 (x : xs) = (fromIntegral x) + shiftL (word8ToInt32 xs) 8
{- | Convert a sequence of Word8 to string.
word8ListToString :: [ Word8 ] -> String
word8ListToString list = map BI.w2c list
-- | Decrypt (read) bytes from file in which filename, filepath, information is hidden and writes it in a file
decodeImg :: Image PixelRGB8 -> IO [ Word8 ]
decodeImg img = return file
len = fromIntegral
(word8ToInt32 (readAllBytes img 0 1 4 0
(63 / (fromIntegral (getPixelsforMessage 4 1)))))
bitsPerPixel = getOptimumBits img len
name = readFileName img 0 bitsPerPixel 64
(fromIntegral (getTotalBits img bitsPerPixel) / fromIntegral (len * 8))
filePath = word8ListToString name
file = readAllBytes img (length name + 1) bitsPerPixel
(len - (length name + 1)) 64
((fromIntegral (getTotalBits img bitsPerPixel))
/ (fromIntegral (len * 8)))