/** * Copyright (C) 2022, Dmitriy Pleshevskiy * * This file is part of Paren * * Paren is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Paren is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Paren. If not, see . */ import { AnyNode, AttrEntry, Attrs, AttrVal, Elem, Fragment, isElem, isFragment, isTextNode, TextNode, } from "../core/node.ts"; import { concat, join } from "../core/utils.ts"; import { Renderer } from "./types.ts"; interface HtmlStrRendererOpts { doctype?: string; forceRenderDoctype?: boolean; wrapNode?: (node: AnyNode) => AnyNode; onVisitAttr?: (entry: AttrEntry, params: OnVisitAttrParams) => AttrEntry; } interface HtmlStrRendererHooks { onVisitAttr: (entry: AttrEntry, params: OnVisitAttrParams) => AttrEntry; } export interface OnVisitAttrParams { readonly tagName: string; readonly attrs: Attrs; } export class HtmlStrRenderer implements Renderer { #doctype: string; #forceRenderDoctype: boolean; #wrapNode: (node: AnyNode) => AnyNode; #hooks: HtmlStrRendererHooks; constructor(opts?: HtmlStrRendererOpts) { this.#doctype = opts?.doctype ?? "html"; this.#forceRenderDoctype = opts?.forceRenderDoctype ?? false; this.#wrapNode = opts?.wrapNode ?? identity; this.#hooks = { onVisitAttr: opts?.onVisitAttr ?? identity, }; } render(node: AnyNode): string { const wrappedNode = this.#wrapNode(node); const shouldRenderDoctype = this.#forceRenderDoctype || (isElem(wrappedNode) && wrappedNode.tagName === "html"); return concat([ shouldRenderDoctype && encodeDoctype(this.#doctype), encodeAnyNode(wrappedNode, this.#hooks), ]); } } function identity(val: T): T { return val; } function encodeDoctype(value: string): string { return ``; } function encodeAnyNode(node: AnyNode, hooks: HtmlStrRendererHooks): string { return isTextNode(node) ? encodeTextNode(node) : isFragment(node) ? encodeHtmlFragment(node, hooks) : encodeHtmlElement(node, hooks); } function encodeTextNode(node: TextNode): string { return node.innerText; } function encodeHtmlFragment( node: Fragment, hooks: HtmlStrRendererHooks, ): string { return concatEncodedNodes( node.children.map((ch) => encodeAnyNode(ch, hooks)), ); } function encodeHtmlElement( { tagName, attrs, children }: Elem, hooks: HtmlStrRendererHooks, ): string { const open = `<${join(" ", [tagName, encodeAttrs(tagName, attrs, hooks)])}>`; if (isSelfClosedTagName(tagName)) return open; const encodedChildren = children.map((ch) => encodeAnyNode(ch, hooks)); return `${open}${concatEncodedNodes(encodedChildren)}`; } function concatEncodedNodes(encodedChildren: string[]): string { return join(" ", encodedChildren).replace(/>\s+?<"); } function encodeAttrs( tagName: string, attrs: Attrs, hooks: HtmlStrRendererHooks, ): string { return join( " ", Object.entries(attrs).map((entry) => { const [key, value] = hooks.onVisitAttr(entry, { tagName, attrs }); return encodeAttr(key, value); }), ); } function encodeAttr(key: string, value: AttrVal): string { if (typeof value === "boolean") { return value ? key : ""; } return `${key}="${value}"`; } function isSelfClosedTagName(tagName: string): boolean { return SELF_CLOSED_HTML_TAG_NAMES.includes(tagName); } const SELF_CLOSED_HTML_TAG_NAMES = [ "area", "base", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "link", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr", "command", "keygen", "menuitem", ];