use bytes::buf::BufExt; use futures_util::{stream, StreamExt}; use hyper::client::HttpConnector; use hyper::service::{make_service_fn, service_fn}; use hyper::{header, Body, Client, Method, Request, Response, Server, StatusCode}; use itconfig::config; config! { HYPER { PREFER_SCHEMA: String => "http", HOST < ( ADDR => "", ":", PORT => 8000, ), static JSON_API_URL < ( HYPER_PREFER_SCHEMA, "://", HYPER_HOST, "/json_api", ), } } type GenericError = Box; type HyperResult = std::result::Result; const INDEX: &'static [u8] = b"test.html"; const INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: &'static [u8] = b"Internal Server Error"; const NOTFOUND: &'static [u8] = b"Not Found"; const POST_DATA: &'static str = r#"{"original": "data"}"#; async fn client_request_response(client: &Client) -> HyperResult> { let req = Request::builder() .method(Method::POST) .uri(config::HYPER::JSON_API_URL()) .header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json") .body(Body::from(POST_DATA)) .unwrap(); let web_res = client.request(req).await?; // Compare the JSON we sent (before) with what we received (after): let before = stream::once(async { Ok(format!( "POST request body: {}
Response: ", POST_DATA, ) .into()) }); let after = web_res.into_body(); let body = Body::wrap_stream(before.chain(after)); Ok(Response::new(body)) } async fn api_post_response(req: Request) -> HyperResult> { // Aggregate the body... let whole_body = hyper::body::aggregate(req).await?; // Decode as JSON... let mut data: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_reader(whole_body.reader())?; // Change the JSON... data["test"] = serde_json::Value::from("test_value"); // And respond with the new JSON. let json = serde_json::to_string(&data)?; let response = Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::OK) .header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json") .body(Body::from(json))?; Ok(response) } async fn api_get_response() -> HyperResult> { let data = vec!["foo", "bar"]; let res = match serde_json::to_string(&data) { Ok(json) => Response::builder() .header(header::CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json") .body(Body::from(json)) .unwrap(), Err(_) => Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) .body(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.into()) .unwrap(), }; Ok(res) } async fn response_examples( req: Request, client: Client, ) -> HyperResult> { match (req.method(), req.uri().path()) { (&Method::GET, "/") | (&Method::GET, "/index.html") => Ok(Response::new(INDEX.into())), (&Method::GET, "/test.html") => client_request_response(&client).await, (&Method::POST, "/json_api") => api_post_response(req).await, (&Method::GET, "/json_api") => api_get_response().await, _ => { // Return 404 not found response. Ok(Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND) .body(Body::from(NOTFOUND)) .unwrap()) } } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> HyperResult<()> { config::init(); pretty_env_logger::init(); let addr = config::HYPER::HOST().parse().unwrap(); // Share a `Client` with all `Service`s let client = Client::new(); let new_service = make_service_fn(move |_| { // Move a clone of `client` into the `service_fn`. let client = client.clone(); async { Ok::<_, GenericError>(service_fn(move |req| { // Clone again to ensure that client outlives this closure. response_examples(req, client.to_owned()) })) } }); let server = Server::bind(&addr).serve(new_service); println!("Listening on http://{}", addr); server.await?; Ok(()) }