230 lines
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230 lines
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type StateTransitions<Context> = WeakMap<
type StateName = string;
type StateOrName<Context> = State<Context> | StateName;
export const _states = Symbol("states");
export const _stateTransitions = Symbol("state transitions");
export const _prevState = Symbol("previous state");
export const _currState = Symbol("current state");
export class StateMachineBuilder<Context> {
[_states]: Map<StateName, Actions<Context>>;
[_stateTransitions]: Array<[StateName, Array<StateName>]> | undefined;
constructor() {
this[_states] = new Map();
withTransitions(transitions: Array<[StateName, Array<StateName>]>) {
this[_stateTransitions] = transitions;
return this;
withStates(names: StateName[], actions?: Actions<Context>) {
names.forEach((name) => this.addStateUnchecked(name, actions));
return this;
withState(name: StateName, actions?: Actions<Context>) {
this.addStateUnchecked(name, actions);
return this;
private addStateUnchecked(name: StateName, actions?: Actions<Context>) {
const oldActions = this[_states].get(name);
return this[_states].set(name, { ...oldActions, ...actions });
build(currentStateName: StateName) {
const states = this.buildStates();
const transitions = this.buildTransitions(states);
const currState = validStateFromName(states, currentStateName);
return new StateMachine(states, transitions, currState);
private buildStates() {
return Array.from(this[_states].entries()).map((params) =>
new State(...params)
private buildTransitions(states: State<Context>[]) {
const sourceTransitions = this[_stateTransitions] || [];
return new WeakMap(
sourceTransitions.map(([from, toStates]) => [
validStateFromName(states, from),
new WeakSet(toStates.map(validStateFromName.bind(null, states))),
export class StateMachine<Context> {
[_states]: State<Context>[];
[_stateTransitions]: StateTransitions<Context>;
[_prevState]: State<Context> | undefined;
[_currState]: State<Context>;
states: State<Context>[],
transitions: StateTransitions<Context>,
currentState: State<Context>,
) {
this[_states] = states;
this[_stateTransitions] = transitions;
this[_currState] = currentState;
async changeState(sourceState: StateOrName<Context>, context?: Context) {
const fromState = validState(this[_currState]);
const toState = validNormalizedState(this[_states], sourceState);
if (
!this.hasTransition(toState) ||
!fromState.exit(fromState, toState, context)
) {
throw new FsmError(
`cannot change state from "${fromState.name}" to "${toState.name}"`,
await toState.entry(fromState, toState, context);
this[_currState] = toState;
this[_prevState] = fromState;
hasTransition(to: StateOrName<Context>) {
return hasTransition(
validNormalizedState(this[_states], to),
allowedTransitionStates() {
const fromState = validState(this[_currState]);
return this[_states].filter(
hasTransition.bind(null, this[_stateTransitions], fromState),
const _stateName = Symbol("state name");
const _stateActions = Symbol("state actions");
interface Actions<Context> {
fromState: State<Context>,
toState: State<Context>,
context?: Context,
): boolean;
fromState: State<Context>,
toState: State<Context>,
context?: Context,
): Promise<void> | void;
export class State<Context> {
[_stateActions]: Actions<Context>;
[_stateName]: StateName;
get name(): StateName {
return this[_stateName];
constructor(name: StateName, actions: Actions<Context> = {}) {
this[_stateName] = name;
this[_stateActions] = actions;
async entry(
fromState: State<Context>,
toState: State<Context>,
context?: Context,
) {
const action = this[_stateActions].onEntry;
if (isFn(action)) {
await action(fromState, toState, context);
exit(fromState: State<Context>, toState: State<Context>, context: Context) {
const action = this[_stateActions].beforeExit;
return isFn(action) ? action(fromState, toState, context) : true;
toString() {
return this.name;
toJSON() {
return this.toString();
function validNormalizedState<Context>(
states: State<Context>[],
state: StateOrName<Context>,
) {
return validState<Context>(normalizeState(states, state));
function normalizeState<Context>(
states: State<Context>[],
state: StateOrName<Context>,
): State<Context> | undefined {
return isStr(state) ? stateFromName(states, state) : state;
function validStateFromName<Context>(
states: State<Context>[],
name: StateName,
) {
return validState<Context>(stateFromName(states, name));
function stateFromName<Context>(states: State<Context>[], name: StateName) {
return states.find((state) => state.name === name);
function validState<Context>(val: unknown): State<Context> {
if (!isState<Context>(val)) {
throw new TypeError("an instance of State class is expected");
return val;
function isState<Context>(val: unknown): val is State<Context> {
return val instanceof State;
function hasTransition<Context>(
transitions: StateTransitions<Context>,
from: State<Context>,
to: State<Context>,
) {
return transitions.get(from)?.has(to) || false;
function isStr(val: unknown): val is string {
return typeof val === "string";
// deno-lint-ignore ban-types
function isFn(val: unknown): val is Function {
return typeof val === "function";
export class FsmError extends Error {}