
112 lines
3.2 KiB

from datetime import datetime
from textwrap import dedent
import pytz
import pytest
from genrss import RSS_DEFAULT_GENERATOR
from import create_rss
def test_init_rss():
feed = create_rss()
xml = feed.xml()
assert xml
assert '<title><![CDATA[SmartFridge]]></title>' in xml
assert '<description><![CDATA[SmartFridge]]></description>' in xml
assert '<link></link>' in xml
assert '<atom:link href="" rel="self" ' \
'type="application/rss+xml"/>' in xml
assert '<generator>{}</generator>'.format(RSS_DEFAULT_GENERATOR) in xml
@pytest.mark.parametrize('description, expose', [
pytest.param('a' * 10, 'a' * 10, id='short(10)'),
pytest.param('a' * 285, 'a' * 285, id='long(285)'),
This is text with
new lines.'''),
This is text with
new lines.'''),
def test_feed_description(description, expose):
feed = create_rss(description=description)
xml = feed.xml()
assert xml
assert '<description><![CDATA[{}]]></description>'.format(expose) in xml
@pytest.mark.parametrize('copyright, expose', [
pytest.param('copyright © genrss', 'copyright &#169; genrss', id='copy'),
def test_feed_copyright(copyright, expose):
feed = create_rss(copyright=copyright)
xml = feed.xml()
assert xml
assert '<copyright><![CDATA[{}]]></copyright>'.format(expose) in xml
def test_feed_pub_date():
pub_date = datetime.utcnow()
feed = create_rss(pub_date=pub_date)
xml = feed.xml()
expose = pub_date.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone('GMT')). \
strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z")
assert xml
assert '<pubDate>{}</pubDate>'.format(expose) in xml
def test_feed_language():
lang = 'en'
feed = create_rss(language=lang)
xml = feed.xml()
assert xml
assert '<language><![CDATA[{}]]></language>'.format(lang) in xml
def test_feed_editor():
editor = 'Dmitriy Pleshevskiy'
feed = create_rss(editor=editor)
xml = feed.xml()
assert xml
assert ('<managingEditor><![CDATA[{}]]>'
'</managingEditor>').format(editor) in xml
def test_feed_image_url():
image_url = ''
feed = create_rss(image_url=image_url)
xml = feed.xml()
assert xml
assert (f'<image><url>{image_url}</url>'
'<link></link></image>') in xml
def test_feed_webmaster():
webmaster = 'Dmitriy Pleshevskiy'
feed = create_rss(webmaster=webmaster)
xml = feed.xml()
assert xml
assert '<webMaster><![CDATA[{}]]></webMaster>'.format(webmaster) in xml
def test_feed_docs_url():
docs_url = ''
feed = create_rss(docs_url=docs_url)
xml = feed.xml()
assert xml
assert '<docs>{}</docs>'.format(docs_url) in xml
def test_feed_categories():
categories = ['Category 1', 'Category 2']
feed = create_rss(categories=categories)
xml = feed.xml()
assert xml
assert '<category><![CDATA[Category 1]]></category>' \
'<category><![CDATA[Category 2]]></category>' in xml