import * as Either from 'fp-ts/lib/Either'; import * as Option from 'fp-ts/lib/Option'; import { divide, DivisionByZero, safeDivide, safeDivideWithError, asyncDivide, asyncSafeDivideWithError, } from './exo1'; describe('exo1', () => { describe('divide', () => { it('should return the result of dividing two numbers', () => { expect(divide(25, 5)).toEqual(5); }); it('should return Infinity or -Infinity if the denominator is zero', () => { expect(divide(25, 0)).toBe(Infinity); expect(divide(-25, 0)).toBe(-Infinity); }); }); describe('safeDivide', () => { it('should return the result of dividing two numbers', () => { expect(safeDivide(25, 5)).toStrictEqual(Option.some(5)); }); it('should return Option.none if the denominator is zero', () => { expect(safeDivide(25, 0)).toStrictEqual(Option.none); expect(safeDivide(-25, 0)).toStrictEqual(Option.none); }); }); describe('safeDivideWithError', () => { it('should return the result of dividing two numbers', () => { expect(safeDivideWithError(25, 5)).toStrictEqual(Either.right(5)); }); it('should return Either.left(DivisionByZero) if the denominator is zero', () => { expect(safeDivideWithError(25, 0)).toStrictEqual( Either.left(DivisionByZero), ); expect(safeDivideWithError(-25, 0)).toStrictEqual( Either.left(DivisionByZero), ); }); }); describe('asyncDivide', () => { it('should eventually return the result of dividing two numbers', async () => { const result = await asyncDivide(25, 5); expect(result).toEqual(5); }); it('should eventually return Infinity if the denominator is zero', async () => { await expect(asyncDivide(25, 0)).rejects.toThrow(); await expect(asyncDivide(-25, 0)).rejects.toThrow(); }); }); describe('asyncSafeDivideWithError', () => { it('should eventually return the result of dividing two numbers', async () => { const result = await asyncSafeDivideWithError(25, 5)(); expect(result).toStrictEqual(Either.right(5)); }); it('should eventually return Either.left(DivisionByZero) if the denominator is zero', async () => { const resultA = await asyncSafeDivideWithError(25, 0)(); const resultB = await asyncSafeDivideWithError(-25, 0)(); expect(resultA).toStrictEqual(Either.left(DivisionByZero)); expect(resultB).toStrictEqual(Either.left(DivisionByZero)); }); }); });