import { allPageViews, intersectionPageViews, mapWithConcatenatedEntries, mapWithLastEntry, nonPrimeOdds, numberArray, numberArrayFromSet, numberSet, primeOdds, } from './exo7'; describe('exo7', () => { describe('numberSet', () => { it('should be the set of unique values from `numberArray`', () => { expect(numberSet).toStrictEqual(new Set(numberArray)); }); }); describe('numberArrayFromSet', () => { it('should be the array of unique values from `numberArray`', () => { expect(numberArrayFromSet).toStrictEqual( [ Set(numberArray)].sort((a, b) => a - b), ); }); }); describe('mapWithLastEntry', () => { it('should construct the map from `associativeArray` keeping only the last entry for colliding keys', () => { expect(mapWithLastEntry).toStrictEqual( new Map([ [1, 'Alice'], [3, 'Clara'], [4, 'Denise'], [2, 'Robert'], ]), ); }); }); describe('mapWithConcatenatedEntries', () => { it('should construct the map from `associativeArray` concatenating values for colliding keys', () => { expect(mapWithConcatenatedEntries).toStrictEqual( new Map([ [1, 'Alice'], [3, 'Clara'], [4, 'Denise'], [2, 'BobRobert'], ]), ); }); }); describe('nonPrimeOdds', () => { it('should contain only the odd numbers that are not prime', () => { expect(nonPrimeOdds).toStrictEqual(new Set([1, 9])); }); }); describe('primeOdds', () => { it('should contain only the odd numbers that are also prime', () => { expect(primeOdds).toStrictEqual(new Set([3, 5, 7])); }); }); describe('allPageViews', () => { it('should contain the map of aggregated page views from both sources of analytics', () => { expect(allPageViews).toStrictEqual( new Map([ ['home', { page: 'home', views: 15 }], ['about', { page: 'about', views: 2 }], ['blog', { page: 'blog', views: 42 }], ['faq', { page: 'faq', views: 5 }], ]), ); }); }); describe('intersectionPageViews', () => { it('should contain the map of intersecting page views from both sources of analytics', () => { expect(intersectionPageViews).toStrictEqual( new Map([ ['home', { page: 'home', views: 15 }], ['blog', { page: 'blog', views: 42 }], ]), ); }); }); });