131 lines
5.2 KiB
131 lines
5.2 KiB
{ config, lib, ... }:
with lib.nix2lua;
inherit (lib.mod) space cmd super localLeader ctrl;
gs = config.plugin.gitsigns-nvim.varName;
input = {
leader = lib.mkDefault ",";
localLeader = lib.mkDefault "'";
plugins.gitsigns.keymap.set = [
rec {
mode = "n";
lhs = "]h";
rhs = lambda0 (ifelse (var "vim.wo.diff")
(call1 "vim.cmd.normal" [ lhs (nf "bang" true) ])
(call1 "${gs}.nav_hunk" "next")
rec {
mode = "n";
lhs = "[h";
rhs = lambda0 (ifelse (var "vim.wo.diff")
(call1 "vim.cmd.normal" [ lhs (nf "bang" true) ])
(call1 "${gs}.nav_hunk" "prev")
{ mode = "n"; lhs = localLeader "gs"; rhs = raw "${gs}.stage_hunk"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = localLeader "gS"; rhs = raw "${gs}.stage_buffer"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = localLeader "gr"; rhs = raw "${gs}.reset_hunk"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = localLeader "gR"; rhs = raw "${gs}.reset_buffer"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = localLeader "gu"; rhs = raw "${gs}.undo_stage_hunk"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = localLeader "gp"; rhs = raw "${gs}.preview_hunk"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = localLeader "gb"; rhs = lambda0 (call "${gs}.blame_line" { full = true; }); }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = localLeader "gd"; rhs = raw "${gs}.diffthis"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = localLeader "gD"; rhs = lambda0 (call "${gs}.diffthis" "~"); }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = localLeader "gtb"; rhs = raw "${gs}.toggle_current_line_blame"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = localLeader "gtd"; rhs = raw "${gs}.toggle_deleted"; }
plugins.navigation.hop-nvim.keymap.set = { after, before }: [
{ lhs = space "c"; rhs = cmd "HopChar1"; }
{ lhs = space "w"; rhs = cmd "HopWord"; }
{ lhs = space "p"; rhs = cmd "HopPattern"; }
plugins.language-server.lspconfig.keymap.set = [
{ mode = "n"; lhs = "gD"; rhs = raw "vim.lsp.buf.declaration"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = "gd"; rhs = raw "vim.lsp.buf.definition"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = "K"; rhs = raw "vim.lsp.buf.hover"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = "gi"; rhs = raw "vim.lsp.buf.implementation"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = "gr"; rhs = raw "vim.lsp.buf.references"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = "gy"; rhs = raw "vim.lsp.buf.type_definition"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = localLeader "sh"; rhs = raw "vim.lsp.buf.signature_help"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = localLeader "n"; rhs = raw "vim.lsp.buf.rename"; }
{ mode = [ "n" "v" ]; lhs = localLeader "a"; rhs = raw "vim.lsp.buf.code_action"; }
vim.keymap.set = [
# Required for Ghostty: Disable system binding to switch keyboard layout
{ mode = "!"; lhs = super lib.mod.Space; rhs = lib.mod.Nop; }
] ++ lib.optionals config.plugins.language-server.lspconfig.enable [
{ mode = "n"; lhs = localLeader "df"; rhs = raw "vim.diagnostic.open_float"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = "[d"; rhs = raw "vim.diagnostic.goto_prev"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = "]d"; rhs = raw "vim.diagnostic.goto_next"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = localLeader "dl"; rhs = raw "vim.diagnostic.setloclist"; }
] ++ lib.optionals config.plugins.navigation.telescope.enable (
{ mode = "n"; lhs = space "f"; rhs = cmd "Telescope find_files"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = space "b"; rhs = cmd "Telescope buffers"; }
{ mode = "n"; lhs = space "?"; rhs = cmd "Telescope help_tags"; }
] ++ lib.optionals (config.plugins.navigation.telescope.extensions ? telescope-live-grep-args-nvim) [
mode = "n";
lhs = space "g";
rhs = lambda0 (pipe [
(call0 "live_grep_args")
) ++ lib.optionals config.plugins.snippet.luasnip.enable (
ls = pipe1 config.plugin.luasnip.var;
jump = dir: (if' (ls (call "locally_jumpable" dir)) (ls (call "jump" dir)));
{ mode = "i"; lhs = ctrl "K"; rhs = lambda0 (ls (call0 "expand")); silent = true; }
{ mode = [ "i" "s" ]; lhs = ctrl "L"; rhs = lambda0 (jump 1); silent = true; }
{ mode = [ "i" "s" ]; lhs = ctrl "H"; rhs = lambda0 (jump (-1)); silent = true; }
mode = [ "i" "s" ];
lhs = ctrl "E";
rhs = lambda0 (if' (ls (call0 "choice_active")) (ls (call "change_choice" 1)));
silent = true;
) ++ lib.optionals config.plugin.oil-nvim.enable [
{ mode = "n"; lhs = "-"; rhs = cmd "Oil"; }
plugin.oil-nvim.setupSettings =
withOpts = action: opts: [ action (nf "opts" opts) ];
withMode = mode: action: [ action (nf "mode" mode) ];
nMode = withMode "n";
use_default_keymaps = false;
keymaps = {
"g?" = nMode "actions.show_help";
"-" = nMode "actions.parent";
"_" = nMode "actions.open_cwd";
"gs" = nMode "actions.change_sort";
"gx" = "actions.open_external";
"g." = nMode "actions.toggle_hidden";
"${lib.mod.CR}" = "actions.select";
"${ctrl "t"}" = withOpts "actions.select" { tab = true; };
"${ctrl "v"}" = withOpts "actions.select" { vertical = true; };
"${ctrl "s"}" = withOpts "actions.select" { horizontal = true; };
"${ctrl "p"}" = "actions.preview";
"${ctrl "r"}" = "actions.refresh";