{ pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ./accounts.secret.nix ./git ../../modules/window_manager ../../modules/terminal/wezterm.nix ../../modules/terminal/alacritty.nix ../../modules/shell.nix ../../modules/notifications ../../modules/file_manager ../../modules/mail ../../modules/pass.nix ../../modules/dev_tools.nix ../../modules/editor.nix ../../modules/work_tools.nix ../../modules/themes ../../modules/themes/catppuccin/frappe.nix ]; xdg.enable = true; home.keyboard = { model = "pc105"; layout = "us,ru"; variant = "dvorak,"; options = [ "grp:win_space_toggle" ]; }; home.packages = with pkgs.unstable; [ tdesktop # telegram client nheko # matrix client image-roll vlc # playerctl libreoffice hunspell hunspellDicts.ru_RU hunspellDicts.en_US procs bottom asciinema # record the terminal neofetch # command-line system information bind.dnsutils yazi # browsers # a fork of firefox, focused on privacy, security and freedom (librewolf.override { extraNativeMessagingHosts = [ passff-host ]; }) # ungoogled-chromium tor-browser-bundle-bin woodpecker-cli unciv ]; home.file = { "pictures/wallpapers" = { source = ./wallpapers; recursive = true; }; }; }