
145 lines
3.1 KiB
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#!/usr/bin/env -S awk -f
# Copyright (c) 2022 Robin Jarry
# Modified 2022-06-16 by Simon Bruder to use ANSI colors
# Modified 2022-06-16 by Simon Bruder to a /usr/bin/env shebang
url = "\x1b[33m" # yellow
header = "\x1b[35m" # purple
signature = "\x1b[35m" # purple
diff_meta = "\x1b[1;37m" # bold white
diff_chunk = "\x1b[36m" # cyan
diff_add = "\x1b[32m" # green
diff_del = "\x1b[31m" # red
quote_1 = "\x1b[34m" # blue
quote_2 = "\x1b[91m" # orange
quote_3 = "\x1b[35m" # purple
quote_4 = "\x1b[95m" # pink
quote_x = "\x1b[37m" # gray
reset = "\x1b[0m"
# state
in_diff = 0
in_signature = 0
in_headers = 0
in_body = 0
# patterns
header_pattern = @/^[A-Z][[:alnum:]-]+:/
url_pattern = @/[a-z]{2,6}:\/\/[[:graph:]]+|(mailto:)?[[:alnum:]_\+\.~\/-]*[[:alnum:]_]@[[:lower:]][[:alnum:]\.-]*[[:lower:]]/
function color_quote(line) {
level = 0
quotes = ""
while (line ~ /^>/) {
level += 1
quotes = quotes ">"
line = substr(line, 2)
while (line ~ /^ /) {
quotes = quotes " "
line = substr(line, 2)
if (level == 1) {
color = quote_1
} else if (level == 2) {
color = quote_2
} else if (level == 3) {
color = quote_3
} else if (level == 4) {
color = quote_4
} else {
color = quote_x
if (line ~ /^\+/) {
return color quotes diff_add line reset
} else if (line ~ /^-/) {
return color quotes diff_del line reset
gsub(url_pattern, url "&" color, line)
return color quotes line reset
# Strip carriage returns from line
sub(/\r$/, "")
if (in_diff) {
if ($0 ~ /^-- ?$/) {
in_signature = 1
in_diff = 0
in_headers = 0
in_body = 0
$0 = signature $0 reset
} else if ($0 ~ /^@@ /) {
$0 = diff_chunk $0 reset
} else if ($0 ~ /^(diff --git|index|---|\+\+\+) /) {
$0 = diff_meta $0 reset
} else if ($0 ~ /^\+/) {
$0 = diff_add $0 reset
} else if ($0 ~ /^-/) {
$0 = diff_del $0 reset
} else if (in_signature) {
gsub(url_pattern, url "&" signature)
$0 = signature $0 reset
} else if (in_headers) {
if ($0 ~ /^$/) {
in_signature = 0
in_diff = 0
in_headers = 0
in_body = 1
} else {
sub(header_pattern, header "&" reset)
gsub(url_pattern, url "&" reset)
} else if (in_body) {
if ($0 ~ /^>/) {
$0 = color_quote($0)
} else if ($0 ~ /^diff --git /) {
in_signature = 0
in_diff = 1
in_headers = 0
in_body = 0
$0 = diff_meta $0 reset
} else if ($0 ~ /^-- ?$/) {
in_signature = 1
in_diff = 0
in_headers = 0
in_body = 0
$0 = signature $0 reset
} else {
gsub(url_pattern, url "&" reset)
} else if ($0 ~ /^diff --git /) {
in_signature = 0
in_diff = 1
in_headers = 0
in_body = 0
$0 = diff_meta $0 reset
} else if ($0 ~ /^-- ?$/) {
in_signature = 1
in_diff = 0
in_headers = 0
in_body = 0
$0 = signature $0 reset
} else if ($0 ~ header_pattern) {
in_signature = 0
in_diff = 0
in_headers = 1
in_body = 0
sub(header_pattern, header "&" reset)
gsub(url_pattern, url "&" reset)
} else {
in_signature = 0
in_diff = 0
in_headers = 0
in_body = 1
if ($0 ~ /^>/) {
$0 = color_quote($0)
} else {
gsub(url_pattern, url "&" reset)