
94 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2022, Dmitriy Pleshevskiy <>
* nix2lua is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* nix2lua is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with nix2lua. If not, see <>.
inherit (builtins) isString isFloat isInt isBool isList isAttrs isNull isPath;
inherit (builtins) concatStringsSep filter mapAttrs attrValues;
error = message: throw "[nix2lua] ${message}";
warn = msg: builtins.trace "[nix2lua] warning: ${msg}";
isLuaRaw = expr: getType expr == "raw";
mkLuaRaw = expr:
if isLuaRaw expr then
{ _type = "raw"; raw = expr.raw; }
else if isString expr || isLuaRaw expr then
{ _type = "raw"; raw = expr; }
error "Value '${toString expr}' is not supported for a raw type";
# mkCall = fnName: args: mkLuaRaw
LuaNil = { _type = "nil"; };
isLuaNil = expr: getType expr == "nil";
mkLuaNil = warn "`mkLuaNil` is deprecated. Use `LuaNil` instead" LuaNil;
mkNamedField = name: expr: {
_type = "table_field";
name = validString name;
value = toLua expr;
isNamedField = expr: getType expr == "table_field";
toLuaNamedField = name: expr:
if isNull expr then null
else "[${toLuaStr name}] = ${expr}";
toLua = val: toLuaInternal 0 val;
toLuaInternal = depth: expr:
let nextDepth = depth + 1; in
if isLuaNil expr then "nil"
else if isLuaRaw expr then expr.raw
else if isNamedField expr then
if depth > 0 then toLuaNamedField expr.value
else error "You cannot render table field at the top level"
else if isAttrs expr then toLuaTable nextDepth expr
else if isList expr then toLuaList nextDepth expr
else if isString expr || isPath expr then toLuaStr expr
else if isFloat expr || isInt expr then toString expr
else if isBool expr then toLuaBool expr
else if isNull expr then null
else error "Value '${toString expr}' is not supported yet";
toLuaList = depth: expr:
wrapObj (excludeNull (map (toLuaInternal depth) expr));
toLuaTable = depth: expr: toLuaInternal depth (attrValues (mapAttrs mkNamedField expr));
excludeNull = expr: filter (v: !(isNull v)) expr;
wrapObj = expr: "{ ${concatStringsSep ", " expr} }";
toLuaStr = expr: "\"${validString expr}\"";
toLuaBool = expr: if expr then "true" else "false";
getType = expr: if isAttrs expr && expr ? _type then expr._type else null;
validString = expr:
if isString expr || isPath expr then toString expr
else error "Value '${toString expr}' is not a valid string";
inherit toLua;
inherit LuaNil mkLuaRaw mkNamedField;
inherit mkLuaNil;