/** * Copyright (C) 2022, Dmitriy Pleshevskiy * * nix2lua is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * nix2lua is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with nix2lua. If not, see . */ { pkgs ? import { } }: let nix2lua = import ./lib.nix; inherit (builtins) tryEval; failed = { success = false; value = false; }; in with nix2lua; pkgs.lib.runTests { "test returns null" = { expr = toLua null; expected = null; }; "test returns nil" = { expr = toLua LuaNil; expected = "nil"; }; "test returns a lua string" = { expr = toLua "hello world"; expected = "\"hello world\""; }; "test returns a path as a lua string" = { expr = toLua /hello/world; expected = "\"/hello/world\""; }; "test returns an integer number" = { expr = toLua 10; expected = "10"; }; "test returns a negative integer number" = { expr = toLua (-10); expected = "-10"; }; "test returns a float number" = { expr = toLua 10.1; expected = "10.100000"; }; "test returns true" = { expr = toLua true; expected = "true"; }; "test returns false" = { expr = toLua false; expected = "false"; }; "test returns table with all primitive types" = { expr = toLua [ "hello" 10 10.1 true ]; expected = "{ \"hello\", 10, 10.100000, true }"; }; "test returns table without null values" = { expr = toLua [ null "hello" null 10 null 10.1 null true null ]; expected = "{ \"hello\", 10, 10.100000, true }"; }; "test returns named table" = { expr = toLua { foo = "hello"; int = 10; float = 10.1; success = true; fail = false; }; expected = "{ [\"fail\"] = false, [\"float\"] = 10.100000, [\"foo\"] = \"hello\", [\"int\"] = 10, [\"success\"] = true }"; }; "test returns named table without nullable items" = { expr = toLua { foo = "hello"; bar = null; }; expected = "{ [\"foo\"] = \"hello\" }"; }; "test returns recursive named table" = { expr = toLua { first = { second = { last = "hello"; }; }; }; expected = "{ [\"first\"] = { [\"second\"] = { [\"last\"] = \"hello\" } } }"; }; "test return recursive table" = { expr = toLua [ [ [ "foo" ] "bar" ] ]; expected = "{ { { \"foo\" }, \"bar\" } }"; }; "test returns table with one named field" = { expr = toLua [ "foo" (namedField "foo" "hello") 10 ]; expected = "{ \"foo\", [\"foo\"] = \"hello\", 10 }"; }; "test returns raw string" = { expr = toLua (raw "hello"); expected = "hello"; }; "test returns deep raw string" = { expr = toLua (raw (raw (raw "hello"))); expected = "hello"; }; "test returns path as string" = { expr = toLua /foo/bar; expected = "\"/foo/bar\""; }; "test throws an error when you try to use named field withoun table" = { expr = tryEval (toLua (namedField "foo" "bar")); expected = failed; }; "test returns call function with arguments" = { expr = toLua (call "root_pattern" [ "deno.json" "deno.jsonc" ]); expected = "root_pattern(\"deno.json\", \"deno.jsonc\")"; }; "test returns concated lines" = { expr = toLua (concatLines [ (call "foo" [ 1 2 ]) (call "bar" [ "baz" "biz" ]) ]); expected = '' foo(1, 2) bar("baz", "biz") ''; }; "test returns a pipe with many function call" = { expr = toLua (pipe [ (require "nvim-treesitter.parsers") (call "get_parser_configs" [ ]) ]); expected = "require(\"nvim-treesitter.parsers\").get_parser_configs()"; }; "test returns lua with setting value to the variable" = { expr = toLua (set "parser_config.d2" { }); expected = "parser_config.d2 = { }"; }; "test returns lua with setting value to the local variable" = { expr = toLua (lset "parser_config.d2" { }); expected = "local parser_config.d2 = { }"; }; }