# Install via Flakes {#install-via-flakes} ## Install module via Flakes ```nix { inputs.agenix.url = "github:ryantm/agenix"; # optional, not necessary for the module #inputs.agenix.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, agenix }: { # change `yourhostname` to your actual hostname nixosConfigurations.yourhostname = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { # change to your system: system = "x86_64-linux"; modules = [ ./configuration.nix agenix.nixosModules.default ]; }; }; } ``` ## Install CLI via Flakes You don't need to install it, ```ShellSession nix run github:ryantm/agenix -- --help ``` but, if you want to (change the system based on your system): ```nix { environment.systemPackages = [ agenix.packages.x86_64-linux.default ]; } ```